The Ideas We Hold

Why Human Anonymous?
What is reality?
What is the Mother’s reality?
Click above link to topic.

Without getting too heady to start-

Our mission statement-
Human Anonymous is a living spiritual endeavor to step by step realize, embrace and live in the essence of being a true full human being as directed from observation, reverent worship and guidance of Mother, the Earth.

It is no secret we are fast approaching the end of living on Earth as we know it. It is also no secret that we have known this moment was approaching for quite some time. The earliest reports of a calamity of this nature (to nature) happening was passed around the auto and petro companies in the mid 1970’s. There have been summits, accords, UN discussions, high level meetings, where everyone cries about the catastrophe coming down, everyone states it is a threat to humanity, everyone makes agreements to do something AND nothing gets done. Can anyone name a CO2 goal that has been met by an industrial nation? I can’t. It is no secret that the folks in charge, who are making the money on this system have little to no impetus for real change or it would have happened already. To be quite frank and non-judgmental, no matter how one cuts it, it is disgusting of anyone to put monetary profit before the welfare of their children and their children’s children. It is not as a true Human Being would be.

Man yelling at world image through megaphone.
AND nothing gets done!

There have been summits, accords, UN discussions, high level meetings, where everyone cries about the catastrophe coming down, everyone states it is a threat to humanity, everyone makes agreements to do something AND nothing gets done. Can anyone name a CO2 goal that has been met by an industrial nation? I can’t. It is no secret that the folks in charge, who are making the money on this system have little to no impetus for real change or it would have happened already. To be quite frank and non-judgmental, no matter how one cuts it, it is disgusting of anyone to put monetary profit before the welfare of their children and their children’s children. It is not as a true Human Being would be.

Human Anonymous has something in common with both Carl Jung and Einstein. They both said something very similar, and I am paraphrasing here, a problem cannot be solved with the same thinking that created it. In modern context- you got to think outside of the box to solve the problem in the box; for example, one must get out of the technology box because technology has had a hand in creating this problem, along with other factors. This is the goal of Human Anonymous, to get you, I, us, and them out of our boxes so we can start moving towards healing of ourselves and the Mother, earth. THIS IS NO EASY TASK! It will not happen in our generation or even the next but we have to start, NOW.

Human Anonymous is a spiritual way of life, meaning it is in every moment we live and in everything around us. Human Anonymous is a religious way of living, in that it is an obligation between us, Human Beings, the Mother, earth, the Creator, however one sees it, and all of creation to live with respect and ever growing harmony within the laws of the Earth plane. Human Anonymous is a church, located on the whole of earth, where every day and everywhere, if even for a moment, we are prayerful and thankful we are doing what we can to help heal the Mother, earth. This is hard work! We are really just trying to get back to being pure Human Beings. There are so many ways we all have been taught to go against our true nature as Human Beings. It is easy to be hard on oneself and on our partners, judgmental of others and those we love when someone veers from the path. We are at a crossroads where we need to love ourselves and others and forgive ourselves and others when we stray, then come back and start again. To quote AA- “we practice progress rather than perfection”.

In Human Anonymous we are here to have a love affair with the Mother, earth. Over the next pages we take you on a brief overview of how we start to walk the daily path to get there.

Why Human Anonymous?

Wash that brain of all programming.

We are not a 12 step program. In fact, it is hard to say we are a program at all. We sincerely trust and expect in the individual to TRY and live their highest truth. We all never get there all the time, but we do see glimpses here and there and try to extend those moments. One cannot be “programmed” or live a “program” to find out who they truly are and what it is to be a true Human Being. With almost 100% certainty one needs to be “unprogrammed” to find the truth of the vastness of who they are. I lived with a spiritual teacher, Jean, for a year. She was accused of “Brainwashing” her students. Her response was not only classic but right on- “Your brains need washing”. It is true, our brains have been filled with dirt. A big part of the recovery movement is to identify this dirt and to not let it control our lives.

Lone fist in air
“Look what I conquered!”

The recovery movement is about recovering one’s true self. It started with Alcoholics Anonymous and a divine inspiration to its founders. From there it has grown for better and/or worse into all kinds of self-help gurus and an “Anonymous” for everything under the sun that can cause a Human emotional angst. The founder I am most familiar with is Bill W. When they started alcoholics anonymous, it was like having leprosy when Jesus walked around the desert. The new members wanted to be anonymous so as not to be identified as an alcoholic. As the movement grew, they also did not want people’s egos taking over in a “look what I conquered” kind of way as humility was a virtue that helped insure sobriety. The one thing they realized was addicts have all kinds of behaviors they tried to hide, to keep anonymous. These behaviors are what creates the condition of addiction. They are what dirty the mind is. They are the dirt Jean so aptly said one needs to clean to see who they are.

From the Human Anonymous view, we are all addicted to something. We engage in behaviors, maybe not every moment of the day but enough that they cause difficulties in one’s life, that are self-serving and self-destructive. I have been teaching classes about these behaviors off and on since 2002 and they still rear their ugly head. These behaviors are what John Trudell refers to as the “toxic waste” of the mind. These are the behaviors and thoughts one has that they do not want to admit to other human beings.

Woman covering her face with hands
One cannot hide form their own humanness.

They are the thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviors on some level we are embarrassed and ashamed that they exist within us. We want them to be Anonymous. Unfortunately, they are part of the 21st century human condition and have been with us for 1000’s of years. One cannot hide form their own humanness. One cannot be truly anonymous within their humanness. All one’s interpretation of their life and their actions are filtered on some level through this “DIRT” of the mind. Yet most try to hide these aspects of themselves from others. Ironically the only way to get beyond the dirt of the mind is to embarrass it and let others know it is there. This does not mean give in to it. No one wants to admit their faults but in so doing the flaws start to subside. Perhaps it is the ego watching the ego to avoid admission of less than the savory side of oneself. These unsavory aspects of oneself cannot be “controlled” into submission. Some may have luck with that for a time but sooner or later they reappear. There are industries devoted to “controlling” one’s behavior and these industries are just more dirt in the mind. Interesting they are also self-perpetuating in making money.

These anonymous behaviors, which are part of being human, Human Anonymous, are some of the main reasons we are killing our home planet. These behaviors block us from seeing what is truly going on. They lead to things like justification, false hope, despair, species arrogance and self-importance. The root of the 7 deadly sins- lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, envy, wrath and pride all have their roots in these dirt mind behaviors. This is not good and cannot have good outcomes but what is much worse is the dirty mind blocks one form knowing their true self, form what it means to be a true Human Being and not just human. It blocks one from ever realizing the deep connection one as a Human Being should have with the Mother Earth.

Its the “dirt” that robs us from our natural born instinct to spiritually interact with the Mother with profound gratitude and respect. It robs us of the richness the interconnected oneness to all Her beings. It robs us of fully embracing the plight and wisdom of our ancestors and learning from their spiritual trials. Most cruelly it has robbed us at all costs of ensuring the survival of future generations. No one wants to hear this and the truth is we sold out our children, their children, and their children’s children for a car and TV. This is why it is incredibly hard to embrace the anonymous side but embraces we must! We need move towards acting like a true Human Being and to be caring again for our precious children.

anonymous cloud man
We are all Anonymous in the Mother’s eyes.

There is yet another side to Human Anonymous and this is from the perspective of the Mother herself. The Mother, earth, really does not give a shit if the human clan makes it or not. We are “Anonymous” in her eyes. Our clan is of no more importance than other clans, say the wolf clan, or salmon clan, or tree clan. If we do not follow the way things are supposed to function here, we will be removed. There is the old saying “When in Rome do as the Romans do”. We are not in Rome, Rome was made up by humans, we are on the planet earth and this earth plane has certain ways its inhabitants must behave in order to survive. Sorry, we are not towing the line. If you want proof look at what is happening. We are at the beginning of the end. The human clan has taken its share of the pie and more and even more and when that is done more again. All beings of all clans are meant to be interdependent on each other to be ONE PLANET. We are meant to take life and give life as one organism. The human body itself has many other organisms living in it, giving and taking, to create one body. I have heard some say these are the “rules” or “laws” of planet earth. I feel this is too much, humans imposing their way of keeping order onto the Mother. It simply is what it is and if you are not part of the flow, you will be removed from the flow. Unfortunately, again, our dirty minds block us from fully seeing and grasping what the patterns of the Mother are. It is hard to follow the flow when one does not even know or see it exists. It is only through careful observation will we start to truly understand the Mothers way here on earth. There are native cultures around the world who have much more of this information than the current dominant culture, so it is high time we all respect their wisdom and HUMBLY AND REVERENTLY ASK FOR HELP!

Human Anonymous is a way of life to clean out the dirt of the mind for the express purpose of reconnecting mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically, to the Mother and Her reality. And no matter how one cuts it we do not have a choice.

What is Reality?

No man can serve two masters.

One of the biggest hurtles we of this uncivil civilization faces is we do not even know what is real anymore. All the information now available on the internet has not helped in this and has only made it worse. There are at least two realities that modern humans are trying to juggle. Just to quote someone far more in touch then myself, Jesus, “No man can serve two masters”. He goes on to say one serves either God, the Bible’s word for the Creator, or Babylon.

Mr. Bob Marley warned us of Babylon.

I hate to break it to you, but the Reggae artist warnings of Babylon are in fact true. We as a race are being convinced we create reality and that is the reality we serve. The real reality is the Mother’s Reality. We humans did not create it. It was here well before we set foot on this sacred ground. God, the Creator, whom I refer to as Ma-n-Jah, put forth the path of how things should be. The Mother, earth, used this plan to create all we see on this plane. Her creation is what is real!

This must seem mind-bending, disorientating, and just confusing at best. This is how Human Anonymous works; we strive to go beyond conventional wisdom (if it is wisdom at all) to not only see pure truth but to feel it and incorporate it into our beings. This is the only way out of this mess “conventional wisdom” has created.

Let’s look outside of our reality box for a moment to unpack this cultural blasphemy. We are fear based animals and we are pretty damn smart. Starvation for our distant ancestors was always a lingering fear. As a clan we moved from here to there to find food but it was never guaranteed to be there.

She dropped the seed!

At some point about 5000 years ago some FEMALE in the clan observed when the clan came back to the same place where they had gathered and processed seed the year before more of the same plants were growing there. Then she intentionally planted some seeds and the next year they had the same results. As far as the fear of starvation was concerned, she, with her smarts, figured a way around the fear, a certainty that did not exist before. Now this was not always true but it is true enough of the time that this way was adopted.

Agriculture was born!

Agriculture was born. On this level it still fit into the Mother’s Reality plan but it was the beginning of the end of the human clan’s living by Her Way. Soon more planting took place, large monoculture fields, this was not in the Mother’s plan book but it insured more food stability. Then there came a new reality that humans never knew before, great surpluses of food. If you were good at farming, you were rich; if not, you were dependent on the rich farmer (now a day’s rich farmer seems like an oxymoron). The trap was set, the human clan was no long equal there were those that had and those that had not, then the fear took over. “What if I lose my food rich status?” Greed and hording were created. Then someone figured instead of growing the food they would somehow purchase it, thus coveting someone else’s wealth was created. Soon a race of humans who were poor farmers but strong figured; why grow food at all we can just take it. Then war as we know it was created. To stop this invasion and protect what was there and to avoid starvation or the fear of starvation nation states were created. Within time the society segregated then classes of individuals were created.

Punishment was created.

This began control of the masses, laws were created. Not the Mother’s ”laws” that all beings from frogs to bears to moss just live by but laws of the human clan, to be followed only by the human clan, to suppress the human clan into what someone in charge believes is right. Not only right but will keep those in power in power. Now humans were not as afraid of starvation, instead they feared if they stepped out of line XYZ would happen and XYZ was not good.

As we look back on this very simplistic scenario one will notice the word “create” over and over. This is the reality we as human created. It is not real in the Mother’s world only in ours. Sure, this human creation is real in that one can touch it, see it, live within its reality BUT it is not the true reality it is made up and we all just subscribe to it out of ignorance of a different way of being, the Mother’s Way.

Open your eyes to the Mother’s creation.

Open your eyes to what is the Mother’s creation and what is human creation. As we absorb this it becomes very apparent that we are not living in the Mother’s reality at all. Money, cities, politics, countries, cars, computers, money, science, modern medicine, zoos, laws, money, box house, box store, grocery store, money, government, sewage systems, money, and of course MONEY. Why so much money? Well it becomes more and more apparent to those who seek truth that money is the farthest thing from the Mother’s Reality and the most destructive factor for the planet as we know it!

What is the Mother’s Reality?

Money leads to control. From lords to kings, from kings to churches, from churches to governments, from governments to corporations the control baton is just passed on. With money and control of the human reality anyone wanting to not play in this field of non-reality is trapped. One can no longer live Mother’s Reality if they even knew it. We all are addicted, dependent on this money system for food, clothing, medical care, and shelter.

We are stuck!

Our life and behaviors are controlled to get the money. It makes it close to impossible for anyone who wants to help the planet, have reverence for the Mother, live like real natural human beings because the reality we are stuck in prohibits the reality that will save us.

In the Mother’s Reality, Real Reality we are the Human Clan. We are Human Beings. We have a way of being on this planet, earth. We have lost this birth right. We do not have any comprehension how we are supposed to be, how to behave with one another, how to respect the Mother, our place in the universe, the humility it takes to be PART of something bigger than ourselves. WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED OF BEING HUMAN! This should disgust and create intense anger to any who fully comprehend it. Once again- native cultures around the world have much more of this information about being human than the current dominant culture so it is high time we all respect their wisdom and HUMBLY AND REVERENTLY ASK FOR HELP!

There is no way we can claim a competent knowledge of inner works of the Mother’s plan. Anyone who claims to have such knowledge should be treated with severe skepticism. Not that it is impossible to know fully flowing patterns of the Mother but I have found over the years folks with this kind of wisdom seldom need to tell people they have it. I am sure there are folks who believe they know the under currents of reality here on earth and believing to know and knowing are two different things. We at Human Anonymous do not put much faith in believing. Believing is great for what it is and that is it gives a certain comfort towards things we really do not know. John Trudell points this out beautifully. An example is people can have a belief about what the afterlife is but there is no way to know. One of the tenets of Human Anonymous is we are incapable of truly knowing the full scope of many things like what goes on in the cosmos, the Mother’s Reality, or even the working of another mind. We realize science will tell us again and again they know this or that and in the long run how often do they change their mind. In science things are known, or believed, until they are known differently. This is really a matter of humility, which is in short supply in the modern world. It is also a matter of being comfortable with oneself to admit; I do not know. We love the tradition of the Great Mystery that has been ascribed to certain American Native Tribes (though in all fairness white people put this label there so once again we really do not know). In life, in the universe, here on planet earth there are many “Great Mysteries” and it is OK to be OK with that and not needing to know.

Who REALLY knows-anything?

Seeing there is no way of truly knowing the Mother’s plan here, we are left to struggle with how to live in harmony and peace within Her earth plane. So how do we go about that? We have already mentioned the dirt mind, the mind that is created by not living in Real Reality. We touched on the way the human race has diverged from the Real Reality. This is a good start. Over and over and over again question your mind and clean up the dirt. Over and over and over again question what is true reality and what is human created. Now add in observation.

This is dissection not observation.

Not observation of the western mind science, dissecting everything to its smallest particle to know how it is, naming and label everything with a function, using numbers to explain phenomena. We are talking about clearly seeing without the dirt mind in the way; the whole of things. The exact opposite from modern science. When Buddha said “We are one” this is one of the means. Everything, though it looks like it is made up of separate things, is operating as a whole, as one. Observe the whole. How is it connected? How does it dance? What is the intricacy of this dance? By seeing and starting to understands the awe and wonder of the Mother’s dance, the inter-play of everything here the laws will start to make themselves apparent.

The Mothers Reality can seem scary and uncertain and it is because we have been taught to fight it. The Mother can let a clan know if things are not working out. Unfortunately, that could mean death of that clan. Remember we are anonymous in the Mother’s Reality. I know humans want to be special and we are, BUT no more or less special than any other clan, say jellyfish or amoeba.

Earth Control

The Human Clan does not want to be part of the cycles, the flow and dance of the Mother. We want to control it. It is hard to see the beauty in anything that is controlled. Just by controlling anything the message we are giving is there is something wrong about whatever it is we control. It is the lack of control humans perceive that promotes fear in the human clan.

Here is an example of the Mother’s reality we at Human Anonymous subscribe too but, you think about it and figure it out for yourself. DEATH. We need a good brain washing around this topic. Get that dirt out! We are taught to fear death. Our western culture goes to unbelievable length to prevent death. Every now and again someone comes up with a new way to live decades longer.

Take the ZYX MIRICLE and look like your 22 again?!? Only $3000.

There is a ton of money made on living longer, all kinds of body therapies, fasting, rejuvenation drinks, blah blah blah, salesmen pushing fear, the fear of death and the fear of aging in general. Then there is science, it is called modern medicine. They can keep people alive longer for sure and every time they step in the first thing they ask is how are you going to pay. Of course, the better they are, the longer one lives and the more they make. We are not condemning any of these practices and many folks get the benefit they want out of them, which serves their purposes but rather we would like to introduce a new understanding. First being born is fatal, we all are going to die. This uncertainty has induced fear and anxiety in people forever and when humans are fearful they try to control. Seeing that dying is part of the Mother’s plan, which is obvious as everything in Her earth plane dies maybe it is time to embrace the certainty of death instead of the uncertainty of when, where, and why thinking.

Death can be a gift!

Death as a gift! We have lived. We lived through death. All beings on this earth live through death. The death of the vegetable I am eating, the death of the being that is now meat, the death of the tree that provides my shelter, the death of the cotton that makes my clothes, the death of the environment caused by the polyester in my clothes. It is all death, and it is given freely. As a hunter there are times it seems another’s life is given to the hunter not taken away from the hunted. And when we die, we give back to the whole just as the whole gave to us. We feed the soil, microbes, or coyotes if left above ground. We celebrate the grateful opportunity to give back, to pay back our debt. By my death, remember I am anonymous, I give the gift of life to others, without ego it is liberating to give such a profound gift to others. It is not just the beings eating on me either, I am giving the gift of space for another Human Being to enjoy what the Mother has to offer us.

When things are out of balance the Mother will take life away to restore balance and this can be painful to the ones left behind. Something like a pandemic is needed to restore harmony.

The Mother will take life away to restore balance.

The balance is missing because of overpopulation or there is something genetic that is weak that needs to be weeded out so the rest of the clan can survive. When humans interfere with this balance the reckoning becomes worse. Human Anonymous does not endorse a right or wrong way to look at these situations or the actions to be taken in these situations. There is no right or wrong answer here and everybody must come to their own conclusions depending on their circumstances. The point is to think for yourself, know your values, know the dirt in your mind, know the Mother’s Plan as best you can and then act. We all know it is hard to embrace these kinds of circumstances, even seemingly impossible. And unfortunately we really do not have a choice. There is no way to live on earth without following the Mother’s Way. The more we avoid Her way and control it the harder the consequence will be to find harmony again. As humans we are blessed with modern medicine that could very well prevent the suffering from diseases and still allow the suffering to go back to the earth allowing them to know they are the gift. It is our choice whether we embrace the Mother’s Way, (even with the suffering) and finding and emphasizing the good in her way. When we try to control the Mother’s Way and negate the suffering, we will inadvertently cause much more suffering in the future.

Handing the reins over to the Mother is not all harsh and full of fearful uncertainty. The positives are too numerous to list. Some are a humility toward the Mother and the awe and wonder of Her Plan. Having a more relaxed attitude toward life in general is positive because we realize we are no longer in, nor do we need to be in control of Her plan. Respect for all life because life is giving itself so we may live. This includes a new found respect for ourselves as we know we will be giving back as well and not just taking, no one respects a taker.

Halleluiah all this is FREE!

Profound gratitude for all that is given so freely. No one has paid for a sunrise, a breath of cool air, the sun warming one after a chilly breeze. All beings live in this zone of free gifts day after day (except Humans because we do not embrace Her Way) making it is impossible not to be filled with heart felt tear inducing joy at the beauty of this planet and the reverence at the intricate whole of interconnected oneness.

How does one practice Human Anonymous?
Click for the bigger picture!

Copyright© 2023 Human Anonymous, Rev. Joseph and/or Joseph Piekutoski