Blessing of Tipi Poles

The tipi church has been risen! Though it will be taken back down for modifications this Spring. Here is a point in time video of us gathering and blessing the tipi poles. We always try to foster the habit of being thankful, especially to the Mother, who gives us so much and asks so little.

Winter Solstice 2022

This year Kyle and I decided to celebrate the Winter Solstice by praising this beautiful Mother earth by enjoying one of Her most magnificent gifts- WATERFALLS! It had rained quite a bit before our adventure and the falls were bountiful with water. We went to Pheasant Creek Falls and Niagara Falls, Nenamusa Falls, Munson Creek… Continue reading Winter Solstice 2022

Self-Love Conquers Climate Catastrophe

This is most likely the most obvious statement you will read this week- we, as a society, are in the grip of hate. Everywhere one looks there are the constant signs we are becoming more and more consumed by this evil. From mass shootings to political discourse to even road rage there is no hiding… Continue reading Self-Love Conquers Climate Catastrophe