Dirty Mind Antics

In the CNN January 11, 2022 article “5 reasons you should not deliberately catch Omicron to get it over with’” Dr. Paul Offit states “Don’t mess with Mother Nature,” he said. “She’s been trying to kill us ever since we crawled out of the ocean onto the land.” This is exactly the thinking of a… Continue reading Dirty Mind Antics

New Holiday Gift Traditions

The holidays are upon us which means traditions. The traditions associated with this time of year many times carry heavy emotional attachments. Not all of the emotions are positive no matter what the newest Nexflix or Hallmark movies are trying to feed us. Likewise, many of the emotions that are positive stem from the past… Continue reading New Holiday Gift Traditions

Self-Love Conquers Climate Catastrophe

This is most likely the most obvious statement you will read this week- we, as a society, are in the grip of hate. Everywhere one looks there are the constant signs we are becoming more and more consumed by this evil. From mass shootings to political discourse to even road rage there is no hiding… Continue reading Self-Love Conquers Climate Catastrophe