Dirty Mind Antics

Brian washing itself

In the CNN January 11, 2022 article “5 reasons you should not deliberately catch Omicron to get it over with’” Dr. Paul Offit states “Don’t mess with Mother Nature,” he said. “She’s been trying to kill us ever since we crawled out of the ocean onto the land.” This is exactly the thinking of a “Dirty Mind”! It can not even be classified as thought. It is twisted fear that someone put in his head, and he has accepted as belief. Thought is an action while belief is a room in the mind that stores past thoughts. Those thoughts do not even need to be formed by the person spouting them. Religion is a good example of this. We are told what to belief. If one differs from those past thoughts, the nasty labels come out like heretic, traitor, or Judas. Mindless believing is in Vogue now and it has been since before Jesus. Jesus was a thinker, not a believer, and look how he faired.

These are the kind of words that are killing the Mother and all She encompasses, including humanity. “She’s been trying to kill us.” It would be much more accurate, more based in the real reality, more truthful to state “We are trying to kill us.” The Mother did not make a system that is out of balance. In fact, Her system was always trying to achieve balance or homeostasis. Her system is based in breeding diversity and life. Yes, there is death in this system. Human kinds system is not based in any form of diversity. It is based on one animal and that is Homo spien. Whatever humans want- all else be damned. It is based in greed, class stratification, control, domination, manipulation, and a whole list of uncivilized terms, which ultimately lead to death. Death of the Mother, death of any organism that can be turned into profit, and in the end death to humans. One’s mind would have to be dirty to continue to live in, give in and perpetuate any system that is causing their own death and the death of their children.

First let’s look at how a belief could have even gained a foot hold in the mind so we can start to move beyond it and back to clear clean thinking. Humans are fear-based animals. We have to be or we would have never survived. We are not the biggest, fastest, or strongest. Our vision, smelling and hearing is not the best. So our ancestors needed fear. Fear is not a bad thing, though the dirty mind gives it a bad rap. Fear when used correctly gives one caution and awareness. It allows one to think of future events that could cause harm and make the necessary adjustment to avoid or minimize those events. Fear leads to action. Fear when used improperly leads to worry, self-centered behaviors, and/or mental illness. A lot of the times inappropriate fear is stuck in one’s head and it leads to little action, at other times the actions it leads to are self-sabotaging at best.

Fear for our ancestors would have been rooted in the real world, the Mother’s world. Today’s fears mostly are not rooted in the real world because most of us do not live in that world, we live in the world made up by humans. Interestingly, the poorer one is, the more their fears reflect the natural world because they live in it more directly, think 3rd world countries. One of the main fears ancient peoples faced was starvation. This fear lead to hunting and gathering societies but that did not cure the problem. The next step was agriculture based more in scattering seeds and come back later to gather the bounty. Eventually it leads to farming as we know it, a field with stuff intentionally growing in it. This still did not always work. There are a great number of things that can lead to crop failure, ask any farmer. So even though it was better; there was still fear about starvation. That fear can be easily manipulated and at some point it was. “Someone will come and steal our food” “You need someone strong to protect your food” “You need more people, an army, to protect your food.” And so started politics and the foundation of city states eventually leading to countries and war. War was originally for protection and it did not take long to become offensive instead of defensive.

Yes, there was something real to fear, starvation. Yes, others coming and taking one’s food was a real fear and did happen. Before, when tribes gathered food there was more than likely disputes between tribes about gathering and hunting grounds but with the low population and the wandering it was probably not that often. When a tribe stayed in one place, they were easier to find and their food stocks as well. So even though the fear was real, it was accentuated out of a situation the human created for themselves to move beyond fear. Every step we humans took from that point forward, as far as the fears of starvation is concerned, was rooted in that fear. That fear has been manipulated over and over until no one recognizes it. The two politic parties here in the USA still use it. One side stands for strength, “We will protect our food by….” The other side is into giving out money so all can eat. Neither side is ever into addressing the real problem because as long as fear is promoted they stay in control.

One can see fear and paranoia all over this statement, which is a side effect of fear. “Don’t mess with Mother Nature. She’s been trying to kill us ever since we crawled out of the ocean onto the land.” The fear is obvious. She is trying to kill us! Primal fear, the fear of death. The paranoia has been repeated so many times it is a little harder to suss out. This is where belief takes over the thinking mind. Is the Mother really trying to kill us? Please! Does humanity really believe that the Mother is out to get one of her children? Does humanity really believe that we are so important to be singled out? This is rubbish. We are here by the Mothers graces and we are not special. The LAWS of Creation are not for one species and not the next. There are no favorites. Though Humans always seem to think they are the top, the best and favored, thanks Christianity. The Mother is all about homeostasis. That’s it! She is not trying to kill or benefit anyone or any species. If a species thrives it is because it has a place to thrive. A species can thrive in one place, say the arctic, and not another, say the equator. This is how evolution works. Of course, humans are doing their best to stop evolution because we fear that would be the end of us. We feel we are the tip of evolution and evolution by nature does not even have a top or bottom, it just is. Humanity in general does not see the obvious fact that evolution does not stop and more importantly we can not stop it. If we try- we fail and the human is nothing more than a fossil.

In the Mother’s reality, the real reality of this plane of existence, death is a gift, as is birth. The buffalo give itself so humans can eat. The cabbage gives itself so humans can eat. The tree gives itself so humans can be warm and have shelter. Every living thing gives itself to evolution. Every living thing is food for something else. It is just the way it is. It is not personal. It does not have to be laced in fear. It just is. And humans have gotten to the point where we just need to give ourselves and give of ourselves so as a species we will be here for the next generations.

Typically, I do not get personal on this blog but today I am going to. This is an example of thinking about our children before ourselves. I had Covid-19 in Feb. 2020 before anyone know much about it. I got really sick, the sickest I have ever been. Beside all the headaches, aches, and confusion, I could not wake up. I would wake briefly look at the clock and think I needed to pee then look at the clock again and 3 hours had passed. I had no recollection of the time in-between. I am not someone who goes to the doctor when I am sick. Twice I woke up with the very clear thought and voice say “I am dying”. I never had this thought before. I have had a lot of times in my life when I have had super clear thoughts that were vocal and usually, they were true. I took this very seriously. So here is my thought process after that- “I am older and my kids are on their own. The planet is over populated. The best thing I could do for them and the future children is just move on. Disease is meant to thin the population. My poor wife will have a rough time but the future children are the most important thing in the world” So I decided to just die. Now I did not but I was close and my Doctor confirmed this with a “You are lucky” thrown in. Now this is where our ability to think comes in. Just blindly accepting that one must die to help the Mother is a belief and is worth shit. One must think! If I had little kids, dependents, or some other justifiable reason to keep on then the conclusion would be different. One must think for themselves but beware the dirty mind, our emotional insecurities, our egos and self-centeredness. These things will not allow one to think outside the “Do everything you can do to live” box. This is hard, VERY HARD! And this is the type of thinking our race needs to survive.

There are no conspiracy theories here saying we have been brainwashed by some centuries old plan. And humans have been perfecting controlling the masses for close to 5000 years. Humans have gotten good at controlling the masses. And the methods of control evolved generation to generation. They have become more subtle. Humanity looks at the Spanish inquisition, or witch hunts, or even when the USA conquered the native tribes, as brutal. It is no longer acceptable to behave in such a way, and if one looks around the world, we can still find this kind of control. Civilized people are controlled with civilized methods. Mass media, social networking, schools, doctors, religions, and corporations all push a form of beliefs with no thought, folks just buy in. Beliefs become entrenched. A lot are born out of our fears and insecurities on a basic level. It is pure and simple manipulation for profit for someone else and turning our back on the Mother and the only support system we have. IT IS SUICIDE!

Our choice is to work with the Mother or not. The Mother is not the enemy! She has taken care of us, fed us, and protected us as much as She has allowed evolution to move us forward, which means some must die. It is only through a spiritual awakening of earth’s spirituality that this sad state of affairs can be corrected. We must clean our “Dirty Mind.” Build an emotional connection with the Mother of gratitude as opposed to seeing Her as antagonistic. All ones’ thought process should be centered on what is best for the children. We are not talking good as in going to college but good as in will our children’s children be able live on this planet.

This society and its manipulation and control has got to end! This is not going to happen in a year or two. We have been building to where we are now for around 5000 years. It is by changing our underlying thoughts and emotions, which happen through earth-based spirituality that things will change. It is through earth’s spirituality that humans will regain their role as rightful Human Beings and not human believings. No one is “Trying to kill” us except ourselves. It is with a new spirituality offer by Human Anonymous, Indigenous peoples, and we are sure others, that we as a race can move beyond our suicidal tendencies.

Copyright© 2022 Human Anonymous, Rev. Joseph and/or Joseph Piekutoski

By Rev. Joseph

I watch the human drama unfold, a tragedy at best. I watch the Mother, earth, as she dances ever closer to imperfect harmony. I watch the human's try to control her exquisite ballet. I prefer to dance!

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