How We Try To Live

We are here to honor the Mother, earth. Below is an outline of some of the ways we do this. By follow these tenets to the best of ones abilities, we help to reverse the impeding climate meld down and preserve the Mother for the future of all Human Beings.

Find Your Own God
Examine, Always Go Deeper
Avoiding Babylon
Learn and Grow
Community or Tribe or Clan
Meditation and Reflection
We are Warriors
Click above link to topic.


Gratitude for the Mother’s Gifts

The Mother gives and gives and gives, without asking for anything in return. To understand Her ways or to be in spiritual balance with Her, one must be grateful for all She gives. We are part of Her and Her creation, so thanks are in order. She also has a creator; I call that creator Mah-n-Jah. You may call that creator God, Allah, Jehovah, Shiva, the One or whatever you like (more on this in the next topic). One should have gratitude for the Mother’s Creator as well.

Man giving thanks
Just Saying Thanks!

There are many ways to show gratitude and one of the best is to just say “Thanks”. We pray thanks. We pray not for the self or ego, not for desires or wants. We pray in the morning to start our day with gratitude and we pray before bed to say thank you for the day. We pray to Mah-n-Jah for guidance, to be shown or intuitively know how to help humanity, the other tribes, (like trees and animals), and mostly how to help and support our Mother the earth. We pray to the Mother thanks for our food clothing and shelter. We ask to be shown her ways and how to help Her and humanity to achieve balance. We ask to have strength when confronted with Babylon’s temptations and for guidance on how to make the right choice with our relationship with Babylon. We pray in the evening giving thanks for our day, review our day with gratitude for the “good” as we see it and ask for guidance on how to overcome the “bad.” We realize that our definition of good and bad are our own judgement and have nothing to do with Mah-n-Jah’s or the Mother’s plan. We always ask to be guided to how to help heal the Mother from all the damage Babylon inflicts on Her.

An old woman saying grace

We give Grace before meals and thank the Mother and the plant spirits and animal spirits who feed us. Saying thank you is good and a step in the right direction especially if you are not doing that at the moment. We always are looking for deep connection with the Mother and Mah-n-jah. We strive to pray with our Hearts,
emotionally. Everyone has been in a position where someone said “thank you” and we know these are just words. We want to say that “thank you” with feeling. Some even place their hands over their heart in prayer to feel the thanks within themselves. Another way to get closer to the feeling side of prayer is to not make it rote like doing Hail Marys. Each time one comes to prayer make it new, say it differently, be in the moment. Even if one said something similar, mixing it up gets us out of the left brain. It is the feeling that starts to change our way of being with the Mother. Empty words have been prayed for generations and they start to sound like nothing more than a scientist’s lecture. We can see from experience that lectures have not changed our relationship with the Mother.

Another way to show gratitude is to celebrate. We celebrate little things by burning sage and saying thanks. Any time we feel the need to cleanse we burn sage and thank Mah-n-Jah for cleansing our space, body and Being. We burn sage before social gatherings, before dancing, while planting a garden, just because we want to bring attention to something in our life. Celebrating with sage shows gratitude and reminds us to be grateful.

Celebrate thing large and small

We celebrate big things as well, the Solstices and Equinox, births, loved ones moving into the next realm, Birthdays, any rites of passage. Just celebrate the natural world, full moons, new moons, a beautiful waterfall or sun rise, there is no end of the things the Mother put before us to celebrate! There is always a reason to celebrate and there are no rules how to do it. Come from your heart and all ceremony will be prayer and celebration.

Find Your Own God

Who is your GOD?

No one can really know how another sees and interprets the world. We all are experiencing the world so we can relate to each other but what goes on in your mind is different from what goes on in mine. Things like beliefs, someone’s past, their childhood, the culture one comes from, religions, and on and on affect one’s mind and how that mind interprets what is going on around them. The more complicated the subject the more people’s minds differ. In this day and age people can not even agree what is news, fake news, propaganda, or truth, even in the same country. If we can not agree on simple societal issues how can anyone expect to understand what “Love” means to someone else. We all can identify what love is for us but for another it is impossible to ever fully comprehend. Ask anyone who has gone to couples counseling and they will verify just getting two folks to agree what love is and how it should be given is a monumental task. That is just two people imagine getting a community to agree to a definition of love, impossible.

This is the same with any religious or spiritual concept. There can be little agreement even many times within the same faith. It is really a waste of time to try to get everyone on the same page about “God” however one defines She/Him or does not define She/Him. Many books have been written too, many orders handed down, many doctrines created, much dogma preached and still no consensus. Why waste another calorie on this? It is what it is, accept it. The reason there will never being consensus is that each and every one of us is meant to have their own “God”. “God“ is a personal concept of how to interpret the world around us not a dogma.

I personally call my higher power Mah-n-Jah. I do not need to getting into the specifics of why here, there is a book coming out that will go into that. The point is Mah-n-Jah is my personal understanding, it is relatable to me, it is relatable from me. I have broken down all the crap that has been pushed into my mind, the “Dirty Mind”, and washed it. I brainwashed myself. Now I am free to create, at least in the “God” realm, for myself.

Ask the Questions of yourself, believe the answers !

Ever since we can remember people around us have been filling our heads with what they believe is true pertaining to spiritual matters. The people who fill our heads had their heads filled by others, and those people had their heads filled, on and on and on. Everyone just buying into what someone else has told them. Never thinking or feeling for themselves. No wonder religions are on the downslide, there is no freedom just following. Everyone should come to terms with their own relationship with creation. How else would one know how to be authentic? If one can not be authentic with their spirituality, it is hard to see how they can be authentic in the world. And if in the end one comes back to believing where they started, so be it, but at least they know it is theirs.

Some things to consider- Is God male or female or both? Is there one God or many? Is there a God if not what is there, anything? Is there a hierarchy in the God realm? Where does freewill, karma, and destiny fit in? Why is there evil? Who defined evil? How is organized religion controlling? What do they control and why? How do you fit in to religions and spirituality? How closely does a religion follow what their God said or says? Can you connect personally and talk with the God and you were taught? What would it take to be able to connect with God personally? Of course there is no end to the question one can ask themselves about “God.” This is not questioning for questions sake. Keep a journal if you want, keep moving forward, evolve into your own understanding.

Examine, Always Go Deeper

Lied to Again

Everything you were told is a lie, even this. This society we live in is fake and manmade. The Hindu called it Maya and the Buddhist say it is an illusion. The only “real” world is the world the Mother created and even without all the layers of this society there are few humans that ever get even a glimpse at that world. The only way one can get to know reality is to forever watch and observe the real world, the Mother’s world. One must watch with heart, mind, body, and soul as She does not make it obvious for translation. Every time one gets an understanding, they should hold on to it and try to live it as best they can. And if that understanding evolves or changes with time then live the next understanding. Only by being true to what we know of the Mothers world will more be revealed. One revelation at a time and finally one will start to see the reality of the Mothers world.

Brian washing itself
Clean that Mind

To even get to this point one must question everything. We are lied to all the time. It is not malicious. The folks telling us the lies were lied to too. The thing is they believed it. We should not. John Trudell talks a bit about beliefs and we are with him on this. When someone believes something they do not really know. People have believes about everything, but it is all in their head, in their “Dirty Minds.” Human Anonymous does not want you to believe a thing; it wants you to know or be moving towards an understanding. We do not even want you to believe what you have read here on this or any other page in this website. Read it- think about, feel if it is right to you, live it, and see if it is a truth for you. We want people to live their truths not believe what it is or is not.

We are not into conspiracy theories. This is more belief talk. Can anyone prove that some 15th century priest did XYZ to create the banking system, we think not, but then again who knows? We do see that this society is based on control. We see that over the centuries that control has become more and more entrenched. We see that as with anything the means of control have evolved. So, at times it may seem like conspiracy theory as one sees one layer evolving into the next but in reality, as with any evolution what worked in the past is kept or improved upon. It does seem insidious that control evolves to become more devious in its methods but the Mothers reality, it is based in evolution and She does not govern what evolves, just that things do.

painting of person have his mind reprogramed by government
Being told what is and is not; is control

We are dealing with generation after generation after generation of control, lies, deceptions to get beyond. Thousands of years of brutal manipulations, think the Spanish inquisition and more subtle things like renaming Pagan Winter Solstice celebrations to Christmas or Hanukkah, or Pancha Ganapati (Hindi), or Laba (Chinese Buddhist). When one manipulates a lie, the lie becomes deeper. Just like (excuse the crudeness) horse shit in a barn. If one never shovels it out it gets deeper, smells worse, and sooner or later dissolves the floor, so the truth (floor) is never seen again. That is why we at Human Anonymous dig deep. We go deeper because the first realization one comes to is more than likely another lie. We are desperate to find the floor and sometimes with enough questioning it becomes apparent other times it does not. One must live as close to the floor as they can to avoid the stench of this society that has been built on lies and to do that one must question everything.

Avoiding Babylon

Babylon is the illusion society, the dominating society, it is all we see that humans have built. In the Bible it was Babylon that built the Tower of Babel. In the story humans thought they could be better than “God” and not listen to the “law of God.” Quite simply “God” got pissed and made everyone speak different languages which destroyed the civilization because no one could communicate. What can we learn from that? This is not hard. The Mother, earth has a way to be to alive on her planet. The present society does not listen and in the end will be destroyed, more likely by starvation, disease, or climate factors than a language change. Human Anonymous goal is to embrace the Mothers way of being here on earth and honor Her for giving us all that we need so we may again find balance within Her system.

Our behavior leave no room for the Mother

This is way easier said than done. We all are addicted to this society. Addicted is that we know that the behaviors we engage in are killing us and we continue to do them. It is not all our fault; we have no choice but to engage but we need to find a way to start to unplug from it all. Our society has created money. We need money for our NEEDS. Sure most people think of money as a way to get their “wants” filled above their needs. Like a new boat. And most people get their needs and wants confused. Yes, we need shelter to survive, a home. We do not need 2500 square feet of house for two folks with a three-car garage, three bathrooms, a deck, a pool, and hot tub etc. This is the “Dirty Mind” again confusing reality. These are the lies we must dig under to find some truth. To get the money just for our needs we need to work, meaning to do some job that is not part of the Mother plan, in a society that is killing itself. So just to get our needs met one is forced to engage in behaviors they know are deadly for future generations and the Mother. This is quite the conundrum.

Re-think the “Save the Planet” List

We could make a long list of things one could do to avoid some of the vexing pity falls and will do so in the upcoming book. We are being told by the society a long list of things we should be doing to help the earth and this is time to dig for truth. The list society is selling come from the same thinking that cause the problem to start with and the ones in charge of this society have little or no interest in finding solutions that do not leave them in charge. So dig and find where you can start to unravel your attachments to this deadly addiction.

Here are some suggestions without going into the whys and wherefores. Eat food from where you live. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you should avoid bananas. They do not grow here; they take tons of carbon to get here and the farmer that grows them does not make anything near their worth. Likewise, if one lives in Panama one should not eat Hazelnuts or apples for many of the same reasons. The Mother has put the food where it needs to be. In the Pacific Northwest climate, we get the food that helps us deal with the climate we live in and that is true of all regions on earth.

Keep the food plate local

As we said earlier, there is no need to beat yourself up, your loved ones, or friends for their choices. I drink coffee, a big NO-NO in my book but I have given up many many other imported foods so we look for balance. And one day when I am ready the coffee will go too, maybe. We must remember we live in a very stressful society, and one needs to find ways to deal with that stress. It is real. The dominate society has all kinds of ways to relieve the stress it creates. We at Human Anonymous must find ways to deal with that stress as well, so some indulging (be honest with yourself) is necessary.

Another big one is make enough money to survive and that is it. By survive we do not mean only paying rent then wondering how we are going to afford the dentist. We mean make enough to take care of yourselves and family. We need a little extra for when thing happens like a car breaking down. Yes, having no car would be ideal but we are living as a small cog in the clock but still in the clock. The carless day hopefully will be here sooner than we think. So make enough to survive means food (not lobster once a week but wholesome foods, veggies are cheap), clothing (not shopping sprees, not fancy designer crap, not extra, just what you need, go to thrift stores, make your own, engage as little as possible with this shopping culture) housing needs (not wants), health care (yet another system that can suck one in, try other approaches, alterative that are appropriate). These are all just ideas. The main thing is to question and always find ways to spend less. This system is made for people to spend so to move beyond the system one must stop spending. Remember every dollar has a carbon footprint attached, some more- some less but no matter how one cuts it money equals carbon.

Avoid banks and debt as much as one can. Once again this is all but impossible. The banks have made themselves indispensable. By giving loans for everything and giving credit to anyone they have caused things to be monetarily out of reach for anyone working an average wage job, therefore, making themselves necessary. It used to be if one wanted a car they would save for it, now many lots have a “No Money Down” policy. If the banks stop giving used car loans the price of used cars would go down, likewise if they stopped giving $1,000,000 mortgages out, the price of homes would drop. They feed the greed. They make their living off the greed. Money has a carbon foot print and greed’s money has so much more. Making money on money is a sin that the Mother can no longer afford. Sometime look at the way banks and other financial institutions (companies that make money on money) spend their wealth. They supporting oil and mining companies and all matters of corporations that are killing the earth. They fund the destruction. So if one needs a car maybe get a cheaper one that will work instead of the expensive one that is a want and not a need. You may still need that loan but at least you will be giving less to the corporation that is dead set on keeping the deadly status quo going.

For your own peace of mind- whack it!

The last in this seemingly intolerable list is to avoid is technology. Mostly our concern here is the hidden electricity it uses and the dominating control it starts to exert over one’s life. This is a tough one, but so are all the rest. We know all electricity is not good for the planet and recent tech is much worse. With an old TV one watched it and then turned it off. Today’s tech stays on most the time. Even if one shuts down their computer, washing Machine or cell phone it still is using electricity. So be aware! The most insidiousness of this tech is it becomes addictive. Just go without your cell phone or looking at “Facecrap” for a couple of days and see how uncomfortable you are. When you are out at a restaurant or even in line buying groceries look at how people are communicating with each other. Usually they are not there, but are sucked into their cell phones, this cannot be good for relationships with real humans. If one needs to be dependent on something we think it should be on the Mother, which we are anyway.

This all sounds like a lot of suffering, doing without this; doing without that. It is hard. The only way we have found to make this tolerable is we can not do it for ourselves. Some can and a lot of times that leads to judgement and ego inflation. Human Anonymous prefers humility to the ego’s stubborn tenacity. We do these things for our children and their children and their children. We know that to suffer with love is not suffering at all it is a gift. Our gift is not to have a cell phone so that there is a future for all Human Beings. We gift to our grandkids by not eating bananas. Even if one does not have children the gift is for all, whether human or tree or wolf, or fish or whatever that is to come. It is love not suffering!

Everything we do should be for the children

Learn and Grow

Here comes some things that are far more fun.

In the end, whether that is in 50 years or 500, Human Beings will be living on the earth again. This means we will get our food, clothing, shelter, medicine and every other need we may have from the Mother. We will need to be respectful of Her again. We will need to be in balance again. There really is no way around that and anyone who thinks differently is living in the denial of human hubris. The only other option is the Human Being tribe is no longer, which at this point is also a very good possibility.

To prepare we will need to re-learn all that has been forgotten. Start by learning about the Native people that inhabited where you live. They knew how to live there without destroying their home. Find books or do web searches. Find what they eat, what they used for medicine, or what other plants or animals they used for clothing. Study how, when and where they gathered plants and herbs. Learn what they hunted or fished and when and how. Explore their spirituality. Dig deep into old texts. Try to find first encounter stories but remember with a lot of these the people writing these stories carry the white perspective. One can only see what they are taught to see, so, if one comes from a society where men dominate ruling they will look for male leaders even if a female leader is sitting right in front of them. One can humbly ask a member of a local native peoples for their understanding on these issues. Some will be receptive. Some may not and who could blame them because of the way their people have been treated by outsiders in the recent past.
To learn about the area one lives in one must stay in an area. If one moves from here to there ever so many years they will never grasp fully what that area has to offer. One may know a thing or two about some of the herbs or wildlife, but this is not being immersed and in tune. It takes years, maybe generations, to deeply understand the ins and out of every place. To connect with the Mother one must stay put, like a tree and send down roots. And like a tree these roots will feed and nourish you. When one keeps uprooting, they lose that relationship the Mother of the place and then it becomes hard to find the nourishment.

John Kallas
John Kallas excitingly gathering Cattail roots in 1974

Take some classes on herbalism, especially from folks local to where you live. Foraging classes are very useful as well. If you live in the PNW there is John Kallas (, he is an excellent resource. The thing with taking any of these classes is when one is done, they must continue to do what they were taught, or it is lost. Season after season re-live what you were taught and expand and explore how to use your new found knowledge in new ways. There are classes on making buckskin so one can make their own clothes from hide. Survival classes can be helpful. Any class that shows how to reconnect with the Mother and Her abundant bounty is a good start.

There is no need to learn everything. Learning it all is silly “Dirty Mind” thinking, a rugged individualism which is never true. We will need to start to re-learn how to get along, how to share knowledge. So when we do learn something new and have been using the techniques successfully then it is time to share it with others. If one really wants to cement something in their brain this is a foolproof method.

The hope with all this is sooner or later one will not be involved with novel practices but will be living it. It will all be part of ones Being and how they are in life. It will cease to be special and just be the way it is. One will start to see what being in balance feels like and will start to be one with the Mother.

Community or Tribe or Clan

As we all progress we need to start to find our tribe. Yes, our overarching tribe is Human Beings. We are not human doings any longer. We have started to move beyond the “Dirty Mind”. Now one needs to honor that and surround themselves with others of similar thoughts, feeling, outlooks and perspectives. When walking among the main society it is hard, so we all need the reassurance of others walking a similar path just to reassure oneself that we are not totally crazy. Build an interconnected network of families, friends, and neighbors to help one another.

puzzle people linked together
Together we are tribe

This way no one needs to learn all skills. In a tribe or clan some are good at fishing and some are good at growing food, while others are good at gathering and yet others know herbs and medicines. We all rely on each other. We need each other. Human Beings are a social, tribal animals. We cannot make it alone outside of the tribe when we live by the Mothers way.

In the long run this may be the hardest lesson of all. We have been brainwashed to be in a state of individuality. We want what we want and we want it now! Who cares about anyone else. This will not do. This is not how a True Human Being behaves. It is not how a tribe behaves. It is not how a clan behaves. It is not how the Mother made us. One must humble themselves and get along. Humble does not mean one lets others walk all over them but that one is open to explore others thoughts, feelings, being, and admit when they are wrong or adjust in some kind of compromise. We do not have

community anymore. Sure things like “Facecrap” let one think they are in community but when something gets touchy one can shut it off, there is no growth. There are community centers where people get together and maybe that is a step in the right direction and still at the end of events everyone goes to their own house and shuts the door. Community and/or tribe is the unshakable realization that I will not survive without the other. This is true even beyond the Human Being. Our overarching Tribe, Human Bering, will not survive without the other tribe. We will be no longer if trees are no longer, or deer are no longer, or fish, or grass, or bees and butterflies. We all need each other. Maybe it is time we learn to respect this and honor all those of every tribe that surround us. Do we have a choice?

Meditation and Reflection

There is very little hope that anyone will grow without insight. We all have addictions. We all have a “Dirty Mind.” We all have things, whether mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical, that stand in-between us and our Mother, the earth. This is just the sad condition of humanity right now. Because of it we suffer and the Mother suffers. The Only way to move closer to alignment with the Mother and our true birthright of knowing who we are and where we fit in to the cosmic scheme of the earth plane is to work on the things that separate us from our place in nature. To identify these things takes an effort. That effort is meditation and/or reflection.

Taking a moment to look at the past.

Reflection is a looking back at how we live. Some do it nightly to see how they were during their day. We ask how we have lived up to our ideas, our values, our beliefs. We examine how we interacted with others. Were we generous with our time or focused on our cell phone? Did we follow the “Golden Rule” –do unto other as we wish they would do unto us? Notice that the Golden rule does not say the other will treat us with the same respect, so if they do not, how do we react? We would like to be happy with our thoughts and actions of the day and if we are not, how can we change this? This is not an opportunity to beat ourselves up and give into our low self-esteem issues. It is a noticing and that is it. It is by noticing day after day and being gentle with yourself you will start to slowly change. It is always easy to be hard on oneself and this is a sure bet one will not change. It is hard to forgive oneself for just being human. Of course, it is the dirty mind that sets this situation up. We are Human Beings, so we must be a Human Being which means none of us are perfect so it should be easy to forgive oneself for simply being what we are.

Holding the Mother, earth, like a loved one.

One of the more important things we should reflect back on is how we were with the Mother throughout the day. Did we notice her and her abundance, diversity and beauty? Where we thankful for her gifts? How did we hurt her with our modern life style? What choices did we make throughout the day to help Her? Do we feel reverent, humble and respectful toward Her? These and many other questions we can ask of ourselves. Once again the idea is not to beat ourselves up. We live in a way currently that is in direct conflict with the Mother and her plan. We did not make this system; we were born into it. We are the ones blessed with the opportunity to correct the Human Being relation with her and that is a hard blessing in this age at best. By reflection we will move closer to Her. By prayer we will move closer to Her. Without self-judgment we will move closer to Her. Step by step we will slowly start to re-gain our birth right to be at ease and peace with Her and to be natural real Human Beings once again.

Meditation is a form of reflection and more. One does not need to meditate by rules. There are many helpful meditation techniques that have been established over thousands of years. Many of them could be helpful. We recommend experimenting with classes, other religions, all kinds of techniques and see if any are a fit.

Meditation is anything that can clear the mind.

Unfortunately, anything with rules can also be harmful if one uses those rules to beat themselves up. The whole idea of meditation is to get beyond the rules and to get over the self in general. Meditation does not need to be sitting like Buddha. It can be movement like yoga or tai chi. It can be guided or free form. A walk in nature is a good meditation if one sets the mind to it. One can try to clear the mind, and good luck with that, or one can just watch the mind. There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Meditation is anything that moves one beyond the self for a moment or two. It can be giving of oneself to another in any form. Anything that takes us away from the non-stop bubbling of ego works. Let’s not dump on the ego too much for it is also part of being human. It is a tool of the mind and very useful but the tool has taken over. The hammer now beats the hammerer. It is through meditation one starts to see how to use the ego and not let the ego use us.

With reflection and meditation one can start to breakdown the barriers that we all have been taught. It is the “Dirty Mind” that keeps us from the truth that we are the Mother’s children. It is all those things that our societal indoctrination has placed in the mind, the self-doubts, the insecurities, the co-dependencies, the thoughts that lower one’s self-esteem. These are the things which keep us from the Mother. These are the conditions that allow humans to feel separate from themselves and the natural state of being. These are the things that allows us to justify hurting our Mother. It is with reflection and meditation that we will see how these things manifest in our individual psyche. By labeling and accepting what we learn from reflection and meditation we start to move beyond the Dirty Mind and slowly reclaim ourselves as true Human Beings.

We are Warriors

We are warriors
We stand strong for the Mother
We serve the Mother
We serve the Other
We serve the Lesser
We serve the Clan
We serve all the Tribes
With Dignity, Gratitude and Respect.
We are earth warriors!

Copyright© 2023 Human Anonymous, Rev. Joseph and/or Joseph Piekutoski