Help the Mother

Boy, OH Boy, we have not treated our Mother with any kind of respect. Amazing enough, She still takes care of us! This page will be ways to help Her out with links to others doing good work. We are not going to guide you to the normal “X Steps to Take to Help the Earth” but to pages , videos, books and movie that can start to help you to think differently. This page will be up-date when something catches my eye and heart.

John Trudell– was a prophet, poet, philosopher, musician, dissident, free thinker, speaker, actor, and a true Human Being in the struggle to find a new way. Listen to him deeply, it takes awhile to get his rap-
His website
Tribal Voices, AKA Graffiti Man, Bone Days
DNA, Lane College (starts about 1/2 way), Nevada City
A play list of all kinds of stuff

From Netflix- Don’t Look Up (you need netflix to see it)
Awake– This is about the Standing Rock protest of an pipeline. The Native American youth show courage and how hard it is to stand for why is right for the Mother.
Harold and Maude– Everything Maude says in this is a lesson. A classic!

The Overstory by Richard Powers
The first 150 pages is introducing the character but after that good luck putting it down. A view in tree environmentalism in the 1990’s.
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Robin writes from the heart. One will feel her passion for the Mother and learn a few things.

Copyright© 2023 Human Anonymous, Rev. Joseph and/or Joseph Piekutoski