Winter Solstice 2022

winter solstice drawing

This year Kyle and I decided to celebrate the Winter Solstice by praising this beautiful Mother earth by enjoying one of Her most magnificent gifts- WATERFALLS! It had rained quite a bit before our adventure and the falls were bountiful with water. We went to Pheasant Creek Falls and Niagara Falls, Nenamusa Falls, Munson Creek Falls, and Drift Creek Falls. All were incredible! We stayed at the beach and took in the oceans glory. All the time thanking the Mother for Her diversity, abundance, and phenomenal gifts. We praised Mah-n-Jah for granting Her the energetic building blocks She needs to create on such a miraculous scale. We are truly blessed!
Check out our video of the trip-

Copyright© 2022 Human Anonymous, Rev. Joseph and/or Joseph Piekutoski

By Rev. Joseph

I watch the human drama unfold, a tragedy at best. I watch the Mother, earth, as she dances ever closer to imperfect harmony. I watch the human's try to control her exquisite ballet. I prefer to dance!


  1. Hey, read through the opening- the ideas we hold. Belief is a monster and an inevitability- without perfect knowledge. (joke space) So, you’re saying knowledge is the answer. (end of joke space) Also, having watched you beat on drums and roll in snow and offer incantations- I am happy to see you do your hippie shit. (shit is the earth’s way of saying we have this all handled- my own hippie self’s salvo) I am in no way being flippant- you have advanced the hippie shit. Good on it, brother. Plus, awesome water works. Peace!

      1. My heart is aching every day that whatever is going on here it doesn’t matter- we think, we feel, we leave. There is a profound miss and we can’t hit. There is the idea that we’ve been asked to hit but the bat is a quibbling ghost. The pitcher never even threw a ball.

        1. And so is the current human dilemma. We need something BIGGER than one’s self. We need something we can relate to within ourselves, by ourselves without being told how and what that is. We need “spiritual anarchy” for lack of a better term. There is NO human made religion that can tell is how to be a Human Being, sad. As with all the many human made institutions, if the pitch was made it is a curve ball at best, thrown to deceive and control. More than likely, you maybe right, it was not thrown at all, even more of a mind fuck. Personally I go to the Mother, earth, for something bigger but that is being taken away. Though I know She will recover, with or without us. I feel like the Marys sitting at the bottom of the cross looking up at Jesus. “How could God let humanity take our god?” I look at the next generation as something bigger, and yet, I hear their concerns about the planet going to shit as they get on a plane for vacation. Yes my heart and soul aches everyday, as well, and I go on. I may strike out but I have the bat and the pitcher is bare. I will fight for the Mother and the future generations, with my mind and words and acts and being because quite frankly that is the only things that are real and they are all I have.

  2. Greetings… finally get to leave a comment of my own. So much more than just the label hippy, as in “where have all the hippies gone?” Many are in the next life by now, so many of my brothers and sisters. As for us, the in-between generation that wanted to learn from the hippies and beatniks (Steve, I think it is fair to call you a beatnik, and that is a stones through from being a hippy…) and evolve the cause further, well, that is what I would call Joseph and I. We are, in our hearts, back to the landers, community based thinkers who are hoping to inspire the next generation (our children) to do much of the dirty work that us humans have created here… sorry kids. And then in turn we learn from our children’s generation. This involves having an open, non-hierarchical mind. A mind that we admit to and are willing to humbly accept needs to be cleansed of corruption, the seven deadly sins or whatever you want to call this cleansing process that happens with the spiritual program… 12 step programs require that we have the desire to stop whatever addictions or compulsions- i.e. whatever beast we are choosing to feed. We must collectively stop feeding the beast and instead work together to heal ourselves each other and the planet. And it does start with self love first. And it ends with self love. We are all a part of this curse, this blessing, this walking contradiction we call humanity. The core of this humans anonymous is that we all deserve the benefits of the 12 steps and traditions- what people in “the rooms” call working the program. It requires openess, willingness and honesty. And it is up to us to share a common purpose- which at this point is the healing aforementioned. And it is up to us that have an understanding of the programs to carry this message to others in a way that magnifies our own soul’s purpose. What we do to help with this healing/cleansing process is up to every single one of us to figure out through our own spiritual directive that is rooted in the mother of us all… calling us to heal, calling us to feel and heal this pain with love.

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