Self-Love Conquers Climate Catastrophe

mother loving her baby

This is most likely the most obvious statement you will read this week- we, as a society, are in the grip of hate. Everywhere one looks there are the constant signs we are becoming more and more consumed by this evil. From mass shootings to political discourse to even road rage there is no hiding from its ugly manifestations. People like to blame something beyond themselves. The guns, the politicians, the press, the President, far right groups, far left groups the list is endless and there is truth in that all these play a roll in the hate surrounding us. There is something more going on under the surface that feeds all the malice. It is something that does not live outside one’s self but that we all share a piece of responsibility for and that is self-love.

The more self-love one has, the greater their ability to not take the negativity of those and situations around them personally. The more they are to rise above the nastiness that surrounds them, the better equipped they are to objectively find solutions for those problems. When one is demeaning or hurtful towards others, they begin to see themself as someone who is cruel and hateful on some level. As one loves themself more, they realize on a very deep level that when they hurt others it only hurts themself. Self-love is what rises one above this cycle.
We do not live in a time or place where self-love is appreciated. It is not taught in schools. It is not mentored by those admired by the public. It is not even acceptable socially. Most look upon it as egotistic, self-righteous, braggadocious, or arrogant. These symptoms are qualities of a lack of self-esteem or over inflated ego, which often go hand in hand. Self-love does allow one to take credit for their accomplishments as well as their failures. In fact, the more one loves themself the more truly humble they become. One comes to accept their good qualities while also embracing their short comings. They will look for ways to improve themselves without beating themself up for lacking in some way, shape or form.
There are many situations in our current society where those with more self-love could help us all find more evolved solutions to the problems we face. The greatest of those challenges will only be solved when we as a race start to love ourselves more. Global warming or climate change is that challenge and it is beyond a challenge it is a life threating crisis. It is only through a lack of love one would allow this situation to continue. A lack of love of self ripples outward. One can only love others and things beyond themself as much as they love themself. This is true of other altruistic qualities as well. If one wants to know how much self-respect one has watch how they respect others.

When it comes to global warming the sheer lack of any real motivation and therefore real change in lowering green house emissions can only be explained by a lack of love. Love is a motivator. Look at someone who loves money. It is this love that allows them to work 80 hours a week, putting the consideration of others’ lives aside while they pursue their love. Another would work that same 80 hours because someone in their family is sick, and they need the money but this time the love is for a relative and their health.

When one loves themself, they would question the need for changing their behaviors if those behaviors were not give the result they desired. No one like change but a love of self allows one to see the consequences, on oneself, to continue in the same vain. These consequences lead to one place, that is to hurt the person, on some level, involved in the behaviors. When one loves oneself, they would not intentionally hurt themself, it is counter to the definition. Fear can also motivate people to change and the changes that manifest out of fear usually create more problems. Changes brought about by love may not work out perfectly but that does not matter because love does not allow failure to be taken personally, it is an opportunity to find a better solution.

This is just the tip of the melting iceberg. With a healthy love for self, one has the ability to love others more deeply. Their children, grandchildren, and even abstractly future generations yet to be born. They also can love manifestations beyond themselves such as their home, nature surrounding them, even the Earth.

This is where I just have a hard time seeing the lack of effort, we, as a race are placing on climate change. How can someone look at their children and not want the best possible world for them to live in? It can only be a lack of self-love. I am not stating we do not love our children, as I parent, I realize this is almost impossible. What I am stating is at this point and with this issue there needs to be a deep degree of sacrifice in real time and not some theoretical document. Sacrifice through the lens of love is not sacrifice at all but a gift. It is time we search within ourselves for this love for the children we can see.

We are not here to only love ourselves and our children. We have a commitment to love our children’s children’s children and on until we cannot imagine our lineage any farther. This is much harder. It is abstract and becomes more so the farther from the present generations of our own. It is only through a healthy love of self, one can project this inner feeling and certainty into the distant future. By realizing what one feels for themself they see what the future generations will feel for themselves. What one feels for their children their children’s children will feel for their children.

Our home, the Mother, earth must be loved and respected for all she gives. To love the earth is once again an abstraction. It is not even on our societal radar to love our planet. Our social inclination is to dominate and control the earth for our own will, obviously this is not working and obviously not love. Just as we love our parents when we are children, we should love this Earth. Our parents gave us life; as does the Earth. This love is the most primal love of self, the love of our own survival.

Finally, and possibly the hardest part of this battle is to have the bravery to demand change. It will take an inner knowing, trust and love to foster this inner strength because our well entrenched social norms are no longer relevant. Corporations, money makers, politicians, non-profits, governmental organizations and so on are all rooted in the stagnate past. They operate only for their own propagation and enhancement, mostly through money and power. These structures are the dragons of our time, destroying all in their path for only their own gain. It is through the comfort these institutions offer us that we lose track of who we truly are- Earthlings, Human Beings. Without a planet and respect and love for that planet there will be no more earth and no more earthlings. Institutions we as humans created come and go where the earth is permanent, whether Humans Beings are with her or not. Love for the earth and humanity are one and the same if we wish to be together into the distant future.

We as a culture we are addicted to our way of life; self- love is the cure for addiction. We as a race are focused on the day- to-day survival of the ego self and have lost sight of an overview of humanity, love brings overview. We as a society in our control and conquering of the Mother, earth have become deaf to her cries, love opens one ear to hear her pain. To stand up for our children, their children, for the earth itself is not going to be an easy path to walk. It will be through the inner strength of self-love we will march on for what is right, not allowing this moment in time slip away.

Copyright© 2023 Human Anonymous, Rev. Joseph and/or Joseph Piekutoski

By Rev. Joseph

I watch the human drama unfold, a tragedy at best. I watch the Mother, earth, as she dances ever closer to imperfect harmony. I watch the human's try to control her exquisite ballet. I prefer to dance!

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